Zdeněk Kasner

NLP researcher


Large Language Models

23/24 Summer, 24/25 Summer
Our new course on Transformer-based large language models (NPFL140). After the brief introduction of the Transformer architecture, we focus on various practical aspects of language modeling. We also put emphasis on group assignments and reading research papers. In the first run, I was teaching the lecture on LLM inference and preparing the first practical assigment. I am helping with the course again in 24/25.


Machine Learning for Greenhorns

23/24 Winter, 24/25 Winter
I am a TA for Machine Learning for Greenhorns (NPFL129), a course which is officially called "Introduction to Machine Learning with Python." and covers the basics of machine learning for bachelor students. I was teaching the English lab and helping the students with homework assignments.

Statistical Dialogue Systems

22/23 Winter
I was a TA for Statistical Dialogue Systems (NPFL099), helping with grading homework assignments and teaching the lecture on natural language generation for dialogue systems.

Introduction to Linux

21/22 Summer
I was teaching a lab for Introduction to Linux (NSWI177) in Czech (finally in person!). We used the inverted lecture system – instead of lectures, the students had a "before-class reading" which we built upon during the lab.

Introduction to Algorithms + Programming 1

20/21 Winter
I was teaching a lab for Introduction to Algorithms (NPRG062) and Programming 1 (NPRG030) in Czech via Zoom. Didn't expect my first class to be virtual, but finding ways to make it work was a nice challenge! The materials for the course can be found here.